
ARRL Leadership Terms
This information is based on Pages 17-144 through 17-151 of The ARRL Operating Manual (4th Edition).

ACC - Affiliated Club Coordinator
Primary contact and resource person for each Amateur Radio club in the section.

ASM - Assistant Section Manager
Serves as a general or specialized assistant to the Section Manager. May assist with general leadership matters as the SM's understudy or be assigned to handle a specific function not within the scope of the duties of the Section Manager's eight assistants.

BM - Bulletin Manager
Responsible for recruiting and supervising a team of Official Bulletin Stations to disseminate news and information of interest to amateurs in the section.

DEC - District Emergency Coordinator
Assists the Section Emergency Coordinator by taking charge in the area of jurisdiction especially during an emergency.

EC - Emergency Coordinator
Responsible for the promotion and enhancement of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service at the local level.

LGL - Local Government Liaison
Monitors and provides information to hams on local government proposals and actions affecting Amateur Radio.

NM - Net Manager
Coordinates and supervises traffic-handling activities in the section.

OBS - Official Bulletin Station
Appointment identifying a station which relays W1AW (ARRL HQ bulletins to the local coverage area.

OES - Official Emergency Station
Appointment identifying a station capable of providing high standards of emergency preparedness and operation.

OO - Official Observer
Notifies amateurs by mail of operating/technical irregularities before they come to the attention of the FCC.


OOC - Official Observer Coordinator
Supervises the Official Observer Program in the section.

ORS - Official Relay Station
Traffic-handling appointment identifying a station capable of functioning in the community interest in case of an emergency.

PIC - Public Information Coordinator
Expert on public information and public relations. Responsible for coordinating the activities of the Public Information Officers in the section.

PIO - Public Information Officer
Contact to the local media for providing publicity for hams (local and League-wide).  Corrects erroneous information published on amateur-related activities.

SEC - Section Emergency Coordinator
Takes care of all matters pertaining to emergency communications and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) on a sectionwide basis.

SGL - State Government Liaison
Monitors and promulgates information on state ordinances affecting Amateur Radio.

SM - Section Manager
Senior elected ARRL official in the section. In cooperation with the director fosters and encourages all ARRL activites in the section.

STM - Section Traffic Manager
Supervises traffic handling organization at the section level. Coordinates the activities of all traffic nets, both National Traffic System-affiliated and independent nets.

TC - Technical Coordinator
 Coordinates all technical activites within the section.

TS - Technical Specialist
Supports the Technical Coordinator in Radio Frequency Interference and Technical information issues.