A Message from N2FF About PRB-1 In NY State!! |
Help Make Ham Radio History in New York!
bills continue to make progress? After
a lobbying
visit to Albany in mid April by Hudson Division PRB-1 Task Force
members the Assembly version of the bill was reported out of the Local
Government Committee a week later and moved on to the Assembly Ways and
Means Committee. Task
force members are in almost daily contact with the sponsors and committee
leaders. If you assembly representative is a member of the Ways and Means Committee, please contact them and ask that they ?report out? Assembly Bill 1565. There is less than two months left before this year?s legislative session ends in early July. Last year, thanks to your
letters, e-mails and phone calls, we were able to get our Assembly bill
through three committees in the New York State Assembly before the session
ended and came very close to getting our tower law enacted in New York
State. Your letters, phone
calls and contacts with your local state assemblymen and senators made that
happen. We
need you to do your part again in 2001. This time we have a
cosponsored bill in the Senate with four state senators signing on.
We have made real headway. The
bill is essentially the same one as last year.
We need you to do your part ? write.
Please write. We have a bill reintroduced in
Albany that will enable amateur radio operators to put up effective antennas
without long, costly battles with their local governments to get a building
permit. But that bill
won?t become law unless you persuade your New York State Assemblyman and
Senator to cosponsor or support Assembly Bill A 1565 (Tocci) and Senate Bill
S 2893 (Volker, Larkin, Maziarz, McGee).
You need to write six letters ? and invest in $2.04 postage to pass
the bills. Help New York
hams have a chance at an effective antenna!
It?s worth the effort and the postage.
We need to point out to
legislators that Amateur radio operators provide an emergency communications
network that is disaster-tested and robust.
We provide this service free of charge to the citizens of New York, a
service that would require many millions of dollars to replace.
We are, in many ways, like volunteer firemen but we respond to
communications emergencies. A
key element of a radio amateur?s capability is a small radio tower high
enough to ensure effective communication. Let your legislators know that
federal law already requires that reasonable accommodation be made for these
amateur radio support structures that serve the public interest; however
local towns, municipalities and radio amateurs cannot easily bear the burden
of resolving local disputes over what is ?reasonable.?
This delays replacing key elements of the amateur radio emergency
network. Hundreds of thousands
of dollars in legal, court and expert witness fees are spent annually to
resolve these matters. Ten states have already enacted legislation to remedy
the situation. Therefore, it is in the interest
of the citizens of New York State that there be enacted into law specific
guidance regarding the minimum height below which local government and
municipalities cannot restrict amateur radio antennas. But
this bill won?t become law unless you send this message and persuade your
New York State Assemblyman and Senator to cosponsor or support the bills so
New York hams have a chance at an effective antenna! Write a letter.
Make a phone call.
Send an e-mail. Do
all three to make sure they get the message.
Ask your representatives to co sponsor or support A
1565 and S 2893. Contact your Assemblyman and
State Senator and tell them about the benefits of Amateur Radio to your
local community, the state of New York and the nation. Also write to the
important Local Government Committee Chairperson, Senator
Mary Lou Rath, 817 LOB, Albany, NY
12247 and Herman D. Farrell
Jr., Chairman of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee, LOB 923, Albany,
NY 12248. Please send a letter
or QSL card to Speaker of the
Assembly, Sheldon Silver, LOB 932/CAP 349, Albany, NY 12248, and also to
Senate Majority Leader, Joseph L. Bruno, 909 LOB, Albany, NY 12247.
Get your relatives, friends and neighbors to do the same.
Please, ask everyone you know to tell his or her state
representatives to support the bill. We
need thousands of letters to be effective!
Amateur Radio has a long proud
history of public service. Tell your Assemblyman and State Senator that
we need this antenna law so that we can continue to do our important
emergency communications job with no cost to the state. Don?t
wait! Do it now! Help us make
ham radio history in New York State. Frank Fallon??.N2FF
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This site designed and maintained by J.P. Kleinhaus, W2XX - last updated