Please Help Support New Jersey State Assembly Bill A-1593
Modernizing the Laws Concerning Amateur Radio Call Sign License Plates
Dear New Jersey Amateur:
I would like to request a moment of your time to discuss an important matter to hams in New Jersey. A bill has been introduced before the New Jersey State Assembly that will modernize the laws concerning Amateur Radio call sign license plates. Your support is needed to show our legislature that this is an important issue to the 15,000 hams in New Jersey.
Assembly Bill A-1593 revises the New Jersey State Statutes to allow the following:
Allow Amateur Radio license plates for leased
Currently, only vehicles that are owned by and registered to the amateur are allowed to have call sign license plates. However, other types of public service providers, such as fire and EMS members, National Guard members, and many others are allowed to have special plates on both leased and owned vehicles. This bill would make Amateur Radio plates consistent with these other types.
Add the words Amateur Radio to new Amateur Radio
license plates
Outside of the ham radio community, very few people know what that strange combination of letters and numbers on a call sign plate means. The words Amateur Radio added to a call sign plate would clearly indicate that you are a ham radio operator and that this is not some clever vanity plate. In times of disaster or emergency, the plates would help indicate to officials that you are there to help, not just someone out to see whats going on.
Raise the fee for the plates from $10 to $15
For every benefit, there is some cost. This small increase would bring the cost of the plates into line with the other special public service plates, and help to offset the cost of having the Amateur Radio wording added to the plates.
In order to assure successful passage, Assembly Bill A-1593 needs your support! Heres how you can help:
· Write to your State Assemblymen (there are two in each district) and indicate that you would like them to co-sponsor A-1593. A quick note, an e-mail, or a QSL card that simply indicates that you support this bill and want to see it passed is all that you need.
· Write to your State Senator (there is one in each district) and indicate that you would like them to sponsor companion legislation in the State Senate. Currently, there is no companion bill in the Senate and that is being addressed. Be sure to mention that you support Assembly Bill A-1593 and that you want to see both houses of the legislature pass this bill on to Governor Whitman for signing.
You can find out the names and addresses of your State Legislators on the Internet at This information is also available at any library, town hall, and in the front section of most telephone books.
You can help this important bill get passed in New Jersey. This is a grass roots effort and your support will help ensure its success! Please take a few moments right now to write, call or e-mail!
The introduction of this bill was made possible through the hard work of ARRL Northern NJ Section Manager Jeffrey Friedman, K3JF and ARRL State Government Liaison Ray Makul, K1XV.
Thank you for your support and very 73!
Eric Boehm, W2PKJ
Public Information Officer
ARRL Northern New Jersey Section